Dried blood spot scanning instrument
Automated DBS (Dried Blood Spot) scanning
The instrument is capable of scanning DBS (Dried Blood Spot) cards in both automatic and manual modes. The DBS cards are manually placed onto the instrument and are automatically loaded into the scanning chamber. Each image acquired by the device is sent to a PC via USB cable, where it can be further evaluated.
Our instrument was used as part of a PhD study to evaluate scanned DBS images using image analysis and mathematical algorithms. The purpose was to categorize the images based on sampling quality. The study was successfully completed and earned a Summa Cum Laude grade, which reflects the highest level of academic achievement. The research yielded exceptional results, demonstrating the quality of our work and earning us this prestigious recognition.
Furthermore, our instrument and algorithm can be adapted to suit different types of DBS cards or customized according to specific customer needs. For more information, please contact us at office@transylon.com
About Us
We are a tech startup that believes in challenging the norm and pushing boundaries to create products that make life easier and more enjoyable. Our team is made up of tech enthusiasts, designers, and visionaries who are passionate about solving problems and changing the game.
At our core, we believe that technology should be fun, intuitive, and accessible to everyone. That’s why we strive to create products that are not only functional but also enjoyable to use. We believe that the best products are the ones that seamlessly blend into your life, and that’s what we aim to achieve.
Contact Us
Company Address:
Transylvania Innovation srl
Romania, Targu Mures, str. Sapei nr. 19, jud. Mures
ROONRC J26/863/2020 CUI 42768455